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2018 Service & Outreach

Rocks and Robots logoJuly 2018
Rocks and Robots Camp Mentoring

Rocks and Robots Camp has students learn about robots and rock climbing. Some of our Dreadbot students were volunteer mentors for the camp.

Dreadbots mentoring campers

Dexter Community Schools LogoJuly 2018
Coding Buddies Program

The Dreadbots created a program to teach young kids to think like a programmer, so they will have an easier time learning programming. The kids play games like codingFarmers, Robot Turtles, Littlecodr, and qwirkle with the Dreadbot students as their mentors. The idea is that kids that may be intimidated by programming, won’t even realize they are learning program thinking because they are playing games and having fun.

Dexter Community Schools Logo

July 13, 2018
Camp Dexter Presentation

We showed off our 2018 robot, taught them some of our cheers and dances. We had a lot of fun.

Dexter District library logoJune 29, 2018
Dexter District Library Summer Reading Program Kickoff

Hundreds of kids came to our robot demonstration. We loved all questions and the kids’ enthusiasm.

NAC logoJune 24-26, 2018
2018 5th Annual National Advocacy Conference

Four Dreadbots attended the National Advocacy Conference (NAC) in Washington, DC. The Dreadbots were trained in advocacy and then spent a full day meeting on Capitol Hill with our Senators and Representatives. We discussed the importance of STEM education and advocated for its funding.

Rotary club logoJune 7, 2018
Rotary Presentation

The Dreadbots met with the Rotary club to talk about our robotics experience.

Dexter Dreadnaughts logoJune 6, 2018
Dexter High School Club & Activity Day

We offer all high school and incoming Freshmen (approximately 1,200 students) the opportunity to learn about The Dreadbots robotics team.

Sorry we don’t have any pictures of this outreach.

dreadbot logoJune 5, 2018
Mill Creek Middle School Outreach

The Dreadbots gave a robotics demonstration and answered questions to all 7th and 8th graders in the district (about 600 students).

Memorial Day parade logoMay 28, 2018
Memorial Day Parade

We were proud to walk in the Dexter Memorial Day and show off our robot to an enthusiastic crowd of thousands.

Dexter Dreadnaughts logoMay 21, 2018
Dexter Community Schools Board of Education Meeting Presentation

The Dreadbots enjoyed sharing our passion for STEM with the DCS Board of Education.

AACME logo
May 20, 2018
Ann Arbor Creativity & Making Expo

The Dreadbots along with three Ann Arbor FRC teams played mini matches to demonstrate our robots and talk with families about STEM.

Rotary club logoMay 19, 2018
Rotary Tree Planting

The Dreadbots helped the Rotary Club to plant a dozen trees at Dexter High School.

Dexter Community Schools Logo
February 2, 2018
Wylie STEAM Night

We were able to share our passion for STEAM with the third and forth graders at Wylie Elementary School students and their families. Hundreds of students and their families learned all about our robot and how it works.

dreadbot logo

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